Feed my Sheep


I want to talk about the relationship between how I love God, and how I love people. Jesus says quite plainly that if I claim to love God, then I must also love other people. Indeed, John says that if I claim to love God, but fail to love people, I am a liar! [1]

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The least of these

Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa

We may say that we love God, but is it just words? Love involves action, so how do we actively express our love for Him? How can we be sure that our love for God is not just a religious or emotional feeling?

Jesus told a story in which he clearly shows us that our love for our fellow-man is received by Him as love for Himself. How amazing is that? As we show compassion towards those in need, we can be really loving God.

There is a warning too. Indifference to the needs of the poor, or sick, or homeless is indifference towards God. We cannot say that we love God, and at the same time, be indifferent to the needs we see around us. Continue reading “The least of these”