Can we hope for a better world?

hope for a better world?
Hope for a better world?

About 30 years ago, at the height of the “Cold War” between the West and the Soviet Union, there was a possibility that mankind could be wiped out by a nuclear war. Those fears proved groundless (well at least for now). I remember writing an article in which I said, that basing our defense on a policy of revenge, was unethical, and the evil of that policy corrupted as all. A Christian friend of mine said that as the world was going to be destroyed by God, being concerned about the state of the world was like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Some questions:

  • Is the future of our world dependent on us, or is it all predestined by God?
  • Is the world we know going to be destroyed, or do we need to look carefully at the Scriptures to determine what they actually mean?
  • Are Christians going to be whisked off to avoid God’s judgement on the rest of humanity?
  • Is there any point working for a better world – or are we just busy “rearranging deck chairs” while the Titanic sinks?
  • Can we hope for a better world, now, and in generations to come?

I’m not a theologian and so cannot adequately answer all these questions. But I have found, that not all theologians have such a negative view, of gloom and doom, about the future of our world. If our view of the future prevents us seeking good, and wanting a better world for our children, then I seriously think that we need to re-examine those views.

An Optimistic World View

I have just read a book by Harold Eberle and Martin Trench called “Victorious eschatology” which I found really helpful. At the beginning of the book Don Atkins is quoted as saying:

“I cannot imagine getting up every morning with a defeatist attitude about life. Nor can I imagine serving a God who cannot overcome evil, but simply snatches away a few poor souls. Harold Eberle and Martin Trench’s new book, ‘Victorious Eschatology’, gives us a clear understanding of what to expect as kings of the King.”

I am passionate about the state of the world. I strongly believe that as Christians we should seek to make this world a better place in every possible way. My personal concern is mostly about the relief and elimination of extreme poverty. But doctors, scientists, teachers and even politicians can do their part in working towards a world with less suffering and poverty.

The Kingdom of God

I believe this passion for the world comes from Jesus who taught us to pray,

“Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

This applies to the “here and now”, not just to some future dispensation. God’s love for the world is boundless. He wants everybody to be free from spiritual darkness, free from extreme poverty, free from disease and suffering, and free from exploitation by others.

If our view of the “end times” leads us away from seeking God’s Kingdom, here on earth at the present time then we need a paradigm shift in our thinking. Much of the theology about the “rapture”, the “antichrist” and “end times” only came to fore in the 20th century. At best this teaching is irrelevant, and at worst it is destructive to God’s plan for us as human beings, the future of the church and bringing about his Kingdom, here on earth.


I realise that I’ve been controversial and probably trodden on a few toes! Much more could be written on the subject. I enjoy hearing from you, so please air your comments, agreements, or disagreements below.

Author: George Dowdell

I was the founder of Karuna Action (formerly Kingscare) and was the director for 24 years. I have now handed control over to younger people but continue as an advisor and trustee. My passion is to see extreme poverty eliminated and to see justice for the powerless.

5 thoughts on “Can we hope for a better world?”

  1. I believe we have been given a task to be salt and light in this world. The future is up to God but we have a duty to be obedient to Him and make a difference in anyway He leads. We are not re arranging chairs on the Titanic because while the world remains we havea job to do in it and a difference to make as well..


  2. ‘free from exploitation from others’ – praise God. If we don’t start, and work to do this for the glory of God, who will? As long as we believe we are stewards and ‘caretakers’ of this world (we care for it for God), it follows that whether the end is near or far, we can hold our heads up high, knowing we served Him well.


  3. thanks, George. I believe more and more that it is of paramount importance that we continue to be as good stewards of our God-given Kingdom as we can, to love and care for one another in this precarious world.


  4. I am largely with you George on this subject. His Kingdom is coming on earth more and more and how we see end times may well determine how quickly His Kingdom finally arrives. I am going for a world that is restored by His Kingdom come. I can start that happening right now in my life.


  5. Thanks George – you challenge me to walk the walk much more than I talk the talk.

    Years ago I was asked to teach on vision – i.e. teach a church to line up with a vision already established. I had no problem with that but could only talk about the line in the hymn which goes, “Be Thou my vision etc..”

    Since then I’ve been trying to wake each day and let the Trinity fill my eyes each morning and to walk by the Spirit daily. No doubt I have failed regularly but I do think that if we, as children of God, are led daily by His Spirit, seeking Him and His kingdom first, then the purposes of the Kingdom and our role in those unfold in our lives day by day and we will inevitably walk towards the glorious return of Christ (whichever version of eschatology we have).

    Sometimes I feel we can talk far too much about things and spend hours listening to and theorising on all manner of different peoples’ views of the end-times or any other Biblical doctrine or idea. Great stuff as long as it doesn’t just tickle our ears leaving us passive and complacent. After 2000 years of Christian theology – my hope is that, as you have demonstrated in your life for so long George, it results in practically and purposefully seeking the Kingdom of God in the present to fulfill the Great Commission, following Jesus’ example of “going around doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the Devil”.

    Thanks for the blog George – keep writing – and love to the family too.



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